The Document Security Laboratory or as we call it, DocSec Lab of the Printing Company was established exactly 25 years ago, at the beginning of 1999. Even then, its activities were revolutionary, as it was always able to respond to the gradually developing expectations of the security printing market with innovative solutions in a targeted manner. Since then, their research and development, expertise, and production work have continued to adapt to the technical and document security requirements of the new generation of security documents and other printing products. This includes the development of new and practically applicable document protection processes, which can be used to produce high-quality security printing products. From the very beginning, the laboratory has been engaged in applied R&D activities to develop effective document security solutions based on its research and in collaboration with professional partners. As a result of this outstanding work, we have numerous Hungarian and international patents.
One of the main research areas is the development and production of security printing inks. Recently, many inks with very diverse light emission properties have been introduced, all of which are successfully applied in production. This includes the creation of unique detection methods, i.e. document protection procedures that can only be detected with special inspection devices, which are currently among the most advanced methods.
A very important research topic is the personalisation of documents using unique security materials. Technologies have been developed for production of non-commercially available security ink and toner cartridges that can be used to further enhance the security of the printed products we produce. These are now widely used in many countries around the world.
The last major pillar of their activity is the production of security components for paper. In recent years, many so-called security fibres, shiny dots, and other safety elements have been developed, of which significant quantities are exported all over the world.

Their current achievements are the result of continuous research, engineering, and practical work over the past 25 years. In response to new challenges, the OB Lab has grown from a few people at the beginning to around three times that number. Their basic principle is continuous development, which largely determines our market competitiveness with our state-of-the-art document security solutions. There is a huge merit in this to the founders who are still working here and whom we warmly greet regarding the 25th anniversary: László Asztalos, Attila Darvasi, Dr. Lajos Székelyhidi and István Tóvári. We congratulate and thank them for their decades of fruitful and persistent work, and the valuable professional experience and knowledge they have accumulated during this time, which has contributed greatly to the success of the Printing Company in both domestic and international markets.