State Printing House Plc meeting the rules set in Clause 54 (9) of Act No. CXX/2001 on capital markets, hereby publishes the number of voting rights attached to its shares and the share capital.

Composition of share capital of the Company:

Share series; Par value (HUF/share); Issued number; Total par value (HUF)

„A” series; 980; 1,396,520; 1,368,589,600
„B” series; 980; 9,475; 9,285,500
„C” series; 980; 73,470; 72,000,600
Share capital; -; 1,479,465; 1,449,875,700

Number of voting rights attached to the shares:

Share series; Issued number; Number of treasury shares; Shares with voting rights; Voting right per share; Total voting rigths

„A” series; 1,396,520; 11,100; 1,385,420; 1; 1,385,420
„B” series; 9,475; 0; 0; 0; 0
„C” series; 73,470; 0; 0; 0; 0
Total; 1,479,465; 11,100; 1,385,420; -; 1,385,420

State Printing House Plc
