Pursuant to the applicable provisions of Act CXLIV of 1997 on Business Associations and Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market (the “Capital Market Act”), the 11 August 2005 Extraordinary General Meeting of Állami Nyomda Zrt. (registered office: 1102 Budapest, Halom utca 5., company registration number: 01-10-042030) decided in Resolutions No.3/2005.08.11 and 4/2005.08.11 that the 139,652 Series “A” registered, physical ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 9,800 each issued by Állami Nyomda Zrt. would, through a change of par value and dematerialization, be converted into 1,396,520 Series “A” dematerialized, registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each. (As a result of the demerger of Állami Nyomda, registered on 15 July 2005, the par value of Series “A” ordinary shares was reduced from HUF 10,000 to HUF 9,800, a change that has not been overstamped on the physical shares yet.)

Pursuant to the authorization set forth in the resolution of the General Meeting, the Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt. hereby informs the Company’s ordinary shareholders that they should, by the deadline specified below, submit their respective physical ordinary shares at the following locations and times so that the par value of such shares may be changed and such shares may be converted into dematerialized shares, with the proviso that at the time of submitting such shares, each shareholder must specify the investment service provider that they have entered into a securities account agreement with, otherwise such shareholder will be deemed to have failed to submit their shares:
– the Finance Department [“Gazdasági Igazgatóság”] or the Administration Office [“Ügyviteli Iroda”] at the registered office of Állami Nyomda Zrt. at 1102 Budapest, Halom utca 5., or the Secretariat [“Titkárság”] at the Company’s branch at 3060 Pásztó, Fő út 141., between 8-16 on business days, or
– through any custodian licensed to maintain dematerialized securities accounts, at the offices of KELER Rt. (Központi Elszámolóház és Értéktár Budapest Rt.) at 1075 Budapest, Asbóth utca 9-11., during the business hours of the customer service desk.

Under the Capital Market Act, the custodians must act in relation to submitting shares to KELER Rt. Shares deposited with the central depository at the time of the conversion will be deemed submitted if the holder of such shares has a securities account.

Starting date of conversion: 12 August 2005

Closing date of conversion:
10 October 2005, with the proviso that the conversion may be closed sooner if all securities are submitted.

Date of conversion (“D” day):
11 October 2005, the business day following the last day allowed for the submission of shares, or the business day following the earlier closing date of conversion.

Ordinary shareholders will be entitled to 10 dematerialized, registered ordinary shares with a par value of HUF 980 each for every 1 registered, physical ordinary share with a par value of (originally HUF 10,000, then, following the demerger) HUF 9,800 each; the dematerialized shares will be credited to the securities accounts of ordinary shareholders.

Any ordinary share that does not comply with the conditions of submission laid down in this announcement will be deemed not to have been validly submitted. All such shares and all ordinary shares not submitted will be declared void by Állami Nyomda Zrt. as of 18:00 on 10 October 2005, which will be announced in Cégközlöny.

Additional information on dematerialization may be obtained from the Finance Department of Állami Nyomda Zrt. at the following phone number: 431-1232.

The Board of Directors of Állami Nyomda Zrt.
