High-volume personalisation on paper and plastic
The Company has produced more than 500 million cards. In addition to bank card production, we are involved in nearly the full scale production and personalisation of Hungarian documents. ANY Security Printing Company offers a wide range of services to financial institutions in the field of payment solutions. In addition to the production, personalisation and enveloping of chip cards, we offer the development of transport, electronic signature and e-banking applications as well. Our Printing Company has extensive experience and excellent references in the field of mailing services. We offer a full-scale business correspondence service from printing to colourful personalisation and enveloping to posting. We provide not only daily personalisation, but also the daily management of undeliverable letters.
Product portfolio
High-volume correspondence
Using the modern equipment of our Printing house we can produce business forms, client notifications and invoices in a large number of copies. Thanks to the special infrastructure background, our Company can produce 10 million A4 prints, personalise 3 million A4 pages and envelope 700,000 mailings a day.
Contactless bank card production
In addition to document card production, our Company, being in possession of a MasterCard and Visa licence, produces bank cards for Hungarian and international financial institutions. We help banks not only with the production and personalisation, but also with the personalisation of various chips and the development of applications.