Report on Corporate Governance 28/04/2023
ANY Security Printing Company Public Limited Company By Shares declares as set forth below and provides the following information regarding corporate governance of the Company.
ANY Security Printing Company Public Limited Company By Shares declares as set forth below and provides the following information regarding corporate governance of the Company.
ANY Security Printing Company PLC meeting the rules set in Clause 54 (9) of Act No. CXX/2001 on capital markets, hereby publishes the number of voting rights attached to its shares and the share capital as at 30th April 2023.
ANY Security Printing Company Public Limited Company by Shares (hereinafter: the Company) meeting the rules set in 24/2008 (15th August) Decree of the Minister of Finance Annex 4. paragraph 1.29, hereby publishes the changes of the registered Auditor of the Company. The AGM of ANY Security Printing Company Plc. held on 14th April 2023, being [...]
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements pursuant to section 55.§ Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and as well as to item 2.5. of Annex 4 of the 24/2008. (VIII.15.) Regulation of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance: The Annual General Meeting of ANY Security Printing Company PLC that [...]
14th April, 2023 – The proposal of the Board of Directors has been accepted by AGM of ANY Security Printing Company PLC and DPS HUF 156 has been approved. The Annual General Meeting of ANY Security Printing Company held at the Company’s Headquarters approved the financial statements including consolidated net sales of HUF 43.2 billion and net [...]