Change in the senior officers 01/09/2022

ANY Security Printing Company PLC (1102 Budapest, Halom utca 5.) in compliance with the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 55-56.§ Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and in accordance with the provisions of the 24/2008. (VIII.15.) Regulation of the Hungarian Ministry of Finance, hereby informs the Shareholders that Nikoletta Sajó has been appointed [...]


Continued growth at the Printing Company

August 17, 2022. The turnover of ANY Security Printing Company PLC is HUF 23.3 billion in the first half of the year, of which HUF 8.6 billion comes from the export market. The turnover of ANY Security Printing Company in the first half of 2022 is HUF 23.3 billion, which is HUF 0.9 billion higher [...]

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