Change in the ownership of a senior officer 07/07/2023
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements on its own behalf, on behalf of Zampic LLC (address: 12224 Iron Bluff Place, Austin. Texas, 78738 USA), and on behalf of Robert Elton [...]
Announcement of ANY Security Printing Company Plc on the final amount of dividend for the FY 2022
Based on the announcement on dividend payment for FY 2022 published on 4th May 2023, ANY Security Printing Company Plc hereby informs the Shareholders that it publishes the final amount of dividend to be paid [...]
Number of voting rights, share capital at ANY Security Printing Company PLC 30/06/2023
ANY Security Printing Company PLC meeting the rules set in Clause 54 (9) of Act No. CXX/2001 on capital markets, hereby publishes the number of voting rights attached to its shares and the share capital [...]
Change in the ownership of a senior officer 29/06/2023
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements on its own behalf, on behalf of Zampic LLC (address: 12224 Iron Bluff Place, Austin. Texas, 78738 USA), and on behalf of Robert Elton [...]
Change in the ownership of a senior officer 15/06/2023
ANY Security Printing Company Plc. hereby meets the extraordinary disclosure requirements on its own behalf, on behalf of Zampic LLC (address: 12224 Iron Bluff Place, Austin. Texas, 78738 USA), and on behalf of Robert Elton [...]