Number of voting rights, share capital at ANY Security Printing Company PLC 31/03/2023
ANY Security Printing Company PLC meeting the rules set in Clause 54 (9) of Act No. CXX/2001 on capital markets, hereby publishes the number of voting rights attached to its shares and the share capital [...]
AGM Proposals 2023
Annual General Meeting Proposals of ANY PLC for 2023
Invitation of General Meeting 2023
Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of ANY Security Printing Company PLC (1102 Budapest, Halom u. 5.) (the “Company”) that the Company’s Annual General Meeting will be held at Company’s registered office (H-1102 Budapest, [...]
Turnover above HUF 43 billion, rising energy costs
10th of March 2023. The net sales of ANY Security Printing Company PLC amounted to HUF 43.2 billion in 2022, exports continued to grow, with HUF 16.1 billion coming from foreign markets. Earnings per share [...]
Zoltán Tóth, Chief Technical and Production Officer of ANY Security Printing Company PLC and member of the Board of Directors of Gyomai Kner Printing Company, died tragically and suddenly at the age of 62 on [...]