Állami Nyomda is honoured to present to you the order form of the family of public education forms of valid until 30 September 2005. Pursuant to a decree from the Ministry of Education, the contents of primary school certificates and registration sheets, as well as those of the high school final examination diploma have changed substantially. Another significant change has been the introduction of stand-alone, supplementary sheets to be completed manually or by computer to supplement primary school certificates. The uniform high school diploma for secondary schools and vocational schools will be supplemented by a numbered document subject to tight accounting control called a „tanusítvány”. This can be ordered separately and will be placed in holders within the diploma.

With the exception of the summary sheets for elementary school registration (which until now were external sheets for grades 1-4 and 5-8), all primary school registration sheets and certificates will be numbered documents of tight accounting control, which can only be sold to educational institutions. One important rule is that one sheet can contain the data of one student only. We will continue to keep account of incoming orders and will deliver them shortly after receiving the documentation necessary for production and finalised by the Ministry of Education. You are kindly requested to send us any further demand you might have by 31 March 2005. Orders for school year 2004/2005 received after that date will be fulfilled to the extent our stock allows. Orders for certificates and registration sheets can only be accepted if accompanied by the identification number issued by the Ministry of Education, thus you are kindly requested to provide accurate data on the order form. With the exception of the documents, other forms are available during the school year, as well. Your orders will be fulfilled – our inventory permitting – as soon as received or by the deadline you specify. If reproduction is required, we will confirm the delivery deadline to you. Certificates and registration forms for schools of art are now being finalised by the Ministry of Education.

We trust that you will choose our company as your procurement partner for the documents and printed forms necessary for your operation. We look forward to receiving your order and wish you continued success in your work.

The order form for the new public education documents can be found under the menu item Downloads.
