The Company has been producing excise and tax stamps since 1998

Tax stamps, in accordance with their utilization area, represent a high security level from among the security products manufactured by ANY Security Printing Company PLC. ANY Security Printing Company PLC has been delivering its products certifying payment of the excise duty and including special security solutions to the National Tax and Customs Administration in consortium for nearly 20 years. This has resulted in decreasing the number of falsifications causing damage to the budget.

ANY tax stamp specimens


We introduce our highest security solutions through our new ANY tax stamp specimens.

  • artistic duotone screen
  • microwriting (positive, negative, personalised/changing data content)

  • security graphics created with geometric elements having changing line thickness

  • UV inks showing fluorescence in different wavelights

  • security hologram stripe

  • Jura ICI™ – invisible constant information

Security features

Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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